

‘‘is believed to be the earliest spiritual practice known to human-kind, with indigenous cultures still having shamans actively working for their community and land today. But this kind of spiritual practice used to be everywhere and this is why, I believe there is such a renaissance in shamanism today. We are looking to our ancestral spiritual roots as there has been something missing for too long. That missing piece is our connection to the earth, our land and to our planet. With climate change being high on our agenda, people are now realizing the negative consequences of not honouring and looking after our home, our mother and thus our-selves'' ~ Heather Craig



For me working with nature and with spirit has always come naturally and something I have been aware of since a child.


Shamanic work can be an essential tool in navigating our inner realms and helping us grow, with a soul retrieval being an essential component to bringing us back into wholeness again. 


With my workshops we follow the natural cycles of the year, honouring these principles without and within and bringing this age old teaching into our daily lives.


our Connection to the Earth

From a shamanic perspective everything has spirit, the rocks, stones, sky, moon, plants … which is seen as part of the ‘web of life’. We are part of this web, but we have forgotten this here, in the western world. We’ve forgotten our connection to the earth and our connection to spirit. This is why we are able to make such damaging decisions for our planet and for ourselves. If we still had connection to this web we certainly wouldn’t think running a pipeline of oil the length of the USA is a good idea! So bringing back our understanding, our long lost memories of how to connect, how to respect, how to build relationships with nature, the elements, animals … helps us to come back to these connections. Helps us to see we are all here, working together for a purpose. That life could be much better than this!

Photo: Bill Baillie



From Sandra Ingerman

"​Heather Craig is a brilliant shamanic teacher and practitioner. Her passion in life is this physical earth and the plants and animals that live here. Her childhood connection with nature runs deep and, this shows up in her teaching and how she works with clients.

In working with Heather you will learn so many shamanic tools to help you ride the waves of the coming times and learn to improve the quality of your life as well as that of the planet. And you will certainly create deep connections with nature.

I highly recommend working with Heather as a student and/or client.”


Sandra Ingerman MA is a Shamanic teacher and author of ten books on shamanism




For me working with nature and with spirit has always come naturally and something I have been aware of since a child. I spent a lot of my time with animals and the natural world, which became my sanctuary and place of peace and contemplation. It still is and through this connection my relationship with nature beings has grown and grown.

I feel I have always worked shamanically long before I knew what it was. When I meditated I would be taken to a place where I looked down on our planet, meeting guides and being shown things. So when I eventually did my first shamanic workshop in 2010, I knew immediately this was my path in life.

I completed my shamanic practitioner training in 2011 then later went on to complete Sandra Ingerman’s Teacher Training in 2015/16 (author of 'Soul Retrieval', 'Medicine for the Earth' and 'Awakening to the Spirit World') .
​I have worked for many years in complimentary health and am an experienced healer who works confidentially, with confidence and integrity. I also continue to work on my own personal journey of healing on all levels.

I have also worked for over 30yrs in adult mental health, working mainly with people who have suffered complex trauma. This has helped me develop my understanding of the psyche and how it affects our ongoing development, with compassion and love.